This is me during a typical day at work. I wear my parka in the mornings when it's especially chilly. Don't mind the bored look on my face. I'm just grumpy. As you know already, I hate waking up early!
Here's Margot (and Max in the background). She tends to aimlessly wander the halls instead of staying put. This is why she's in a play pen. She's trying to make it look like she's a prisoner, but we're no fools for puppy-dog eyes!
Veda is the gentlest German Shepherd. I harass her a lot when she comes around during lunch time. Did I mention she's scared of ME?
Then there are the three house cats: Super Cat, Charlie, and Jamba. I normally love cats but these guys really freak me out. My nickname around them is "Ridgeback" because the hairs down my spine stick up. You have to admit, they look pretty scary.
I hope you enjoyed meeting my friends!
'till next time,