Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And The Wiener Is...

You answered correctly to "E" as false. Congratulations!

Please email your shipping address to so that we can send you your prize!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this contest! This was a lot of fun so we're going to have another contest soon!


A. I am from a Puppy Mill.
[True - Nina adopted me from someone who had bought me from a pet store who had purchased me from a puppy mill, so yes, I am from a puppy mill.]

B. I hate getting my feet dirty.
[True - I hate walking in anything wet or muddy. I will refuse to go potty outside unless the weather is nice and the grass is not wet.]

C. I have a tattoo on my belly.
[True - When I was spayed, they tattooed my belly as a marker that I had been spayed.]

D. I am a picky eater.
[True - I have gone through many different kinds of dog food because I hated the taste. Now I'm happily eating Wellness.]

E. I know how to roll over.
[False - I know how to play dead, sit, shake, and a few other tricks but I don't know how to roll over. I won't do it!]

F. I don't like to chase cats.
[True - I'm afraid of cats. They chase me!]

G. I am a bird murderer.
[True - Guilty as charged.]

H. I try to bite people's noses if they resist a kiss.
[True - I nip people's noses if they don't let me kiss them. I'm trying to give them love, so it makes me mad when they pull away.]

I. People think I'm a boy even though I wear pink.
[True - I must look manly...]

J. I was named after a character from a book.
[True - I was named after the character Franny from Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Driving Miss Franny

We have to drive everywhere to get anywhere. I spend a lot of time in the car. I'm used to driving with Nina to work and I've learned to just sleep in the car from the 6-hour drives we used to take to Los Angeles. I'm in the car so much, I have my own car seat!

See, I'm a pro at sleeping in the car.

Ellie is pretty good at it too.

Happy Driving,

P.S. Don't forget about the True or False? contest! It ends this Friday!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Runs

I've been sick for a few days. I started vomiting and now I have diarrhea aka the runs. Nina's not sure if it's something I ate, something I may have picked-up, or just a regular tummy ache. I went to see the Doc and we brought some of my poop in a bag for testing.

I'm on a bland diet which isn't so bad and is actually quite tasty. I am also taking some medications that will hopefully make me better. I hate being sick.

Gotta go (potty),

Thursday, March 5, 2009

True or False?

It has been raining quite heavily in the Bay Area these past few weeks and I think I have cabin fever. I'm so excited for the rain to stop so that I can run around and dig for gophers again. The only thing I hate about warm weather and being outside are fleas and ticks. Those suckers (literally) are the worst! So I thought I'd help everyone prepare for spring by giving away a three month supply of Frontline Plus. What's Frontline Plus, you ask? It's that stuff you squirt on your back to keep fleas and ticks away when you play.

So let's play True or False?

All you have to do is pick out which fact is false from the ten facts below. The first person to comment with the right answer will win some Frontline Plus and a few other goodies. It's made for dogs under 22lbs so I hope you weigh less than that!

(The winner will have the option of Frontline Plus for Cats or Frontline Plus for Dogs Under 22lbs)

A. I am from a Puppy Mill.

B. I hate getting my feet dirty.

C. I have a tattoo on my belly.

D. I am a picky eater.

E. I know how to roll over.

F. I don't like to chase cats.

G. I am a bird murderer.

H. I try to bite people's noses if they resist a kiss.

I. People think I'm a boy even though I wear pink.

J. I was named after a character from a book.

Good luck! This contest ends Friday, March 20th!