Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunny Florida - Part I

Nina and I took a plane ride across the country to sunny Florida to visit Pony. We actually took this trip a few months ago but staying true to the Doxiementary fashion, we are blogging about it now.

We made a stop in NYC on our way over to West Palm Beach. In total, we traveled for almost 12 hours! Luckily, I didn't have to stay stuffed in the bag the entire time. In the middle of our flight, I was able to peek out the window... I saw a sea of fluffy white clouds! For the rest of the flight I dreamt of digging for gophers in the clouds.

Here I am lounging on a suitcase in Pony's apartment. I was feeling a mix of grumpiness and excitement. And I was starving!

In West Palm Beach on Okeechobee.

Florida is hot and sunny with unexpected showers, lots of palm trees, and lots of water.

Stay tuned for more!