Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dachshund Love - Joey

Photo from

If you're a doxie lover and you've never visited this blog, you sure have been missing out. The Long and Short of it All is the blog of Dachshund blogs.

Right now, Joey, one of the beloved hosts of this blog is very ill. He just had surgery and is now dealing with pancreatitis. He's not doing well and we are just sick with worry. We love Joey (and Maggie too!) and Nina tells me that every time she looks at me, she can't help but think of Joey and his family.

So please think positive thoughts about Joey and hope that he pulls through.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yummy Squirrel

I've never eaten a squirrel before but I often dream about doing so. I imagine they'd taste really good... maybe even better than the stale french fries I find under the car seat!

I've encountered many a squirrel. They're evil little things! Remember this incident?! It's as if it were just yesterday...

This is how I view squirrels.

This is what I would request for my last meal on this earth.

This is the closest I've ever come to eating a squirrel.


... and I will eat you!

Is that all? Good things never last...

Squirrelly about squirrels,