Sunday, August 10, 2008

Doxie Derby

Today was the annual Highway Wiener Races aka the Dachshund Derby in Palo Alto. I was registered to race but couldn't because we got to the races an hour late. Nina realized she forgot her wallet when we got to the bridge to cross over to the peninsula. We had to go back home and get it, then get gas because the tank was nearly empty. I'm not too disappointed because there's always next year.

Doxies on your mark.

Get set.



This guy looks lost.

He decided to run towards the sideline where I was sitting. I think he likes me!

Another heat with faster, more determined dachshund racers. Look at them fly!

Well, not this guy.

He's not having it.

Here I am saying hello to my fellow dachshunds.

Smiling dachshunds everywhere.

And it's HOT.

Kisses from a new friend!

I think she's ready to go home.

Speed racer,

1 comment:

Lorenza said...

Hi, Franny!
That race sounds pawesome!
You said it right! There is always a next time. At least you had great time meeting lots of friends!
Kisses and hugs